Celebrity smile aka Hollywood smile Article By Saman Edalat
#Angelina Julie #Cameron Diaz #Beyonce #Jennifer Lopez #Jessica Alba #Kim Kardashian #MeganFox Dr Saman Edalat, Dentist in Los Angeles California. Celebrity Smile aka #Hollywood smile, What makes people to admire a person smile? If we look at famous celebrities like #JessicaAlba #MeganFox #SelenaGomez #KimKardashian #CameronDiaz #Beyonce we can see that all of them have beautiful smiles. When we look more into details from a #Dentist perspective, we can see that although they all have Beautiful white teeth and smiles, the actual size shape and contour of their teeth and their smile are not identical. So what's the secret? what makes a smile beautiful? True beauty is in the eyes of the beholder they say, there is some truth to that; many of the things that we consider beautiful has been affected by environment and culture and media. But there is another aspect of beauty that does not know border, that goes beyond ages, culture, media an...